Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Animus 21st C
Circle Cage - small around 2mtrs in diameter - sign on the inside of the cage alerting to those on the outside - DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS.


'Kapow' as in the Batman and Robin bubble text reference, will be used here as a heading to describe a quick idea for a work or concept that I have to get down, in order to expand on and research later.
To begin, as the first 'Kapow' I have been considering the plight of Sisyphus and I am pondering on an object of which he would use to rest his heavy burden. A chair, I definitely like the title for a series of chairs. This may be a work I will use the left over timber from other works of a furniture nature, and create the ideal setting for Sisyphus to rest in. These installations or situations, sets, small environments will be made to be installed throughout locations in the city for those on the treadmill to escape momentarily, a room where time does not function, a broken clock.. And so it goes, Kapow.
[And again, fate has brought the granite boulder back into my visual language... A boulder on my back, made from foam]

Continued with the Guillotine.. Back to the quick short video piece (Disability employment competition).. Option II - the boy continues to make the object and finishes very contentedly with his fathers pride, his mother walks into the room, she sees the finished version, SHOT THROUGH SONS WHEELCHAIR and says something like, "I can see now why you want to become a carpenter son"... text on screen - 'if you can build a piece of furniture from impossible instructions theres nothing stopping you from becoming a carpenter'... (or some other reference) you can do anything - OR - why shouldn't a child dream - OR - if you can dream you can be anything you want for a career. .. the only 'dis' ability is the inability to see ability.."Employ a person with a disability today".

Argie Bargie I, II June 2011. Proposals

I. Chrome version of TRAP for production as model. Furbish in timber, angular.

II. Alien Perception - [line drawing machine K]
Laurice will shoot from ceiling cross beam in Barn studio, straight down to me on floor covered in wall paper - white with relief [flowery pattern relief]. I am drawing holds, any object which I may use as a hold to lift me higher in the scale of this building face. These will include metaphoric objects such as the 70's guide to sex. Some I will draw and use as is. I should also erase some, use several books, use a ladder and then knock it over - to increase the look and strength of the effect. I may fade to projection of me. Draw seat and rest for a break. How to end??

Argie Bargie concept I


Man and son sit in lounge room assembling IKEA type parts. Various close ups of son and father moments. Close up of Dad proud and son looking through finished object as mum walks through the door, I'm home love - Dad says to son - Shh.. as she enters and trips the TRAP - go to black with the sound of a guillotine type blade sound sliding down with a thud and blood splattering... Open to back of mothers head - zoom out to mothers head rolling out of frame... Dad and son moment.. BLACK Dad and son laughter.