Monday, September 5, 2011
Executive Consecutive

Sunday, August 14, 2011
The ultimate 1980's gift...the mixed tape

Philosophical STD's and other chest hair
Turn on the fridge, it's freezing.. and who is Wally really.
Friday, August 12, 2011
John Doe Manifesto

Competition Manifesto 2011
'Not another f..ng manifesto'...
A recent VOXPOP conducted in the suburbs of Western Sydney produced a maelstrom of diverse contributions in all manner of expression, informed by the multicultural diversity of artistic interpretation and experience within this 'cutting edge' source of inspiration for many professional practitioners in tune with the 'avant garde'. An arbitrary, interwoven, ‘randomly ordered’ selection of the recorded responses presented the following post modernist slice of our cultural currency and their personal prescriptions for the 'now' manifesto;
'VOXPOP Manifesto 2011'
John Doe
1. Purge the world of manifestos and art competitions; grants, residencies, awards set up/supported by the apparent interest from banks and telephone companies.... no skulls, classic muscle cars, appropriation or sensor technology.. No uncredited external assistance,
2. No more CNC machines operated without credit to the specialist, plastic moulding companies, or photo labs.. No sponsorship by water companies looking cool beside art, and lose the word Contemporary..
5. Graphic Design must be finally thrown into a full contact Cage Fight, and clarify the war with Contemporary Art.. and when did everyone become an OUTSIDER Artist? All artists to return to life drawing classes run by Hughe Hefner in collaboration with Rolf Harris.. modelling by Germaine Greer.
8. No further recycling of Op Shop art and porcelain figurines, stuffed animals, and crying self portraits.. Climb (free climb) from the 2D surface of the projection screen and introduce our children to the fourth dimension of reality.. Ween them in with a train ride, window as screen, and escort their senses into the view from a rooftop, a cubby house, a cliff side, a ladder beside the blank canvas areas, waiting to be teased by exploration and discovery.
15. Enough video documentation of the mundane, the experiential monuments of the 'life sized' reduced to 16' x 9'. Are there any family photo albums; those sacred relics of personal memory, not raped by the tactical post modernist apparent appropriation, turning your mother and mine into objects shaped by gallery critique in glossy, invites with essays that transform the strange uncle at the back left corner of every Christmas shot, into a hero of the Dank Street narrative.
66. Our senses compete for time and attention, between the unconstrained vibrancy of our free surround sound CMYK-4D-RGB of reality by chance, enchantment by fate sitting patiently awaiting our attention, all outside the back door, running into, but never out of, the unexpected.. to compete with what? The guide time tabling most; the TV guide.
27. Banish the TV guide into the wasteland of Mt. Predictable. HIstory has documented guides which have left us feats of literature which remain applicable to contemporary life, inspired centuries past, practical through generations of trend change in fashion, in culture, culinary experience, in piercing, sexual aids, and spiritual adventure.
31. Art that you know works is the experience of the timeless sensual outside of trend and left of critique... it is an inherit known, one of those thoughts that awakens something, doesn't matter what that something is. It is. Manifest that, write a guide about it, hand out the fairy bread and blow up some balloons.. there you have yourself a Manifesto.
1ST PRIZE FOR 'BEST' MANIFESTO: Product Placement on full length of top shelf at register area in 'Cash Converters' for Six Weeks with a reduced rate specially approved for this COMPETITION; 79 percent commission.
ONE WEEK WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY: Includes your choice of a blanket and a box of matches - OR - two unlabelled tin cans, and a piece of string.. either for emergency communication via smoke signals or tin can comms. Both include a week membership to the research room of Mt. Druitt Community Library with access limited to NON-FICTION PRINT material only; known as books that contain information applicable to ones life.
A two hour interview, no limit question session, with the judges of any one of the prominent Arts Grants, or competitions such as the Helen Lempriere, or Archibald. All questions guaranteed to be answered without adjudication, deferral, or misdirection.
All prizes must be collected upon notice of successful entry.
WINNERS will be announced within the literary eminent ANTHROPOLOGICAL PUBLICATION; 'THAT'S LIFE'.
Winners will also receive a one week subscription hand delivered by paper boy.
Entry Requirements
Entries are restricted to ONE A4 page, either hand written or typed and saved as a WORD DOC. If entry contains support images these are not included in the one page limit.
VIDEO submissions are encouraged and to be limited to 4 min.
(video submissions must provide an additional text document for publication in the event of winning).
This performance event will be exhibited in Sep 2011.
Entries to be emailed only to:
Those submitting large file video works should use a service such as sendit.com.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Queen Victoria Unidentified Presence Expedition II
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Argie Bargie I, II June 2011. Proposals

Argie Bargie concept I

Man and son sit in lounge room assembling IKEA type parts. Various close ups of son and father moments. Close up of Dad proud and son looking through finished object as mum walks through the door, I'm home love - Dad says to son - Shh.. as she enters and trips the TRAP - go to black with the sound of a guillotine type blade sound sliding down with a thud and blood splattering... Open to back of mothers head - zoom out to mothers head rolling out of frame... Dad and son moment.. BLACK Dad and son laughter.
Monday, June 20, 2011
THE ABSENCE OF PRESENCE Reminders of nothing

'Clear Ideas' 1958
Magritte, Rene
Oil On Canvas 50 x 60cm
Belgium, Private Collection., Private Collection.Having not seen this image for many years, I was surprised to see how similar in reference my media works are in both methodology and aesthetics (the floating boulder and obsession with boulders in general to Magrittes floating rock forms) and the methodology of 'nothing'.
Gould resisted prophesying the future of human evolution, but it would seem that the neotenous trend will continue and accelerate in space—as bones soften, muscles thin out, and brains bulk up. For load-bearing tissue—bone and muscle—gravity is an enriching environment and weightlessness an impoverishing one. For mind-bearing tissue the opposite would seem to be true.
Above quote: Gould 1997.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Argie Bargie III June 2011.
Daniel Kojta camera, Wade Marynowsky lighting.
II. SLEEP WALKER - Edit carpark underground footage in chair.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Argie Bargie.. Proposal Video June 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
First Bike, First Love.

My Mother on her first bike. Her first love. She rode a Triumph 'Saint' 900, no helmet, Marlon Brando style or Stone perhaps. The seed for speed was planted by my grandfather [ a Jazz SaX player touring Poland and South Russia, Belarusk night clubs of the day....what a story
My grandfather, Henryk, was waiting for his band members to get ready for stage, there was much to do. This was no make up session but they did need to tune instruments after long journeys hitchhiking on hoarses, and military trucks of all nationalities. They just had to be back and the frustration had turned to angst. This was a time when uttering any provocative statement in public would very casually dismiss you from the land of the living without explanation. Anyone who expressed any concern knew if they were to do so they would remain a statistic in memory. This was the time of Russia's worst and the worlds most tirannical German dictator. This was the time of the heavy lead silence, which was carried on the back of all, the deep quiet..Inconceiveable in the luxury you now [post communismo] rest on.
So, at the time, my grandfather, Henryk, decides to head downstairs to gather his three band members to move stage left. The lower he went the louder the noise from the crowd now gathering outside. A lone protester had been shot for expressing his situation of exploitation. The military police had shot into the crowd indisciminately. Henryk (Pronounced 'Onreik'..) had to find his members and ASAP onto stage, avoiding the militia and military. A crowd member tld him the first was taken, then not long after the second and third. Henryk could do nothing but could not not.. he was stopped by a crowd member and several of the patrons ushered Henryk into the Night Club, smuggled back on stage and left. He was quickly taken off stage by Military police and pushed through the crowd into the prison wagon. The three received consecutive sentences of 5 months, 9 months and two years according to who had been down stairs longest? From there my grandfather was drafted (?) into the Polish/English Army to fight against the Germans on the West, who were attempting to take Poland from the West. Cutting a long story short, Henryk's section were captured by the Germans and he was sent to die in a prison camp. Him and his best friend fled, escaped, exit stage right, and got out of there asap. Along there return to East Poland they were heavily supported by the farmers and town people who gave them clothes and food, their daughters hand in marriage or the occasional donkey, and they went on to return home having crossed approx the same distance to Perth from Sydney (add in German spies, soldiers etc ready to torture and kill and escapees.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
WATER The Sound of H2o

Claude Debussy and the sound of water.
In the music of 'La Mer', Debussy conjures up many of the sensations associated with the sea: the titles of the three "symphonic sketches" - "From dawn to midday on the sea", "Play of the waves", "Dialogue of the wind and the sea" - show how explicit the inspiration was. However, he also wanted his art to sound free, in a particular way, with 'a freedom derived not from a more or less literal reproduction of Nature, but from the mysterious correspondences between nature and the imagination'.
500 years ago, Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) recorded ideas about vortices based on his experiments with water. In fact, the subject of water, hydrology, and hydraulics made up a large part of Leonardo's lifetime study. As a matter of historic note - more of Da Vinci's writings were devoted to the subject of water than any other subject. The existence of water and its vortices intrigued Da Vinci, prompting him to speculate about the existence and behavior of vortices in the air and cosmos. The power and meaning of vortices in water also led him to closely study the behavior of water under different conditions.
Above Image, Leonardo, Old Man with Water Studies, c. 1513.
Abandonment and Amusement
Bumper car graveyard at Okpo, an abandoned amusement park in South Korea. Have located an incredible list of Abandoned Amusement Parks. This in turn has reminded me of the Photo Book concept of Australian Brothel Interiors. The fantasy cave and Plato.
Have initiated a series of Camera Obscura Images - Blue Mountains Landscapes. Exploring the iconic rooms of local Art Deco heritage buildings, and casting images of the National Park within the walls.
Council Sponsorship.
Involve local historical community personalities. Jaqueline and the Jenolan Caves House.