Yowie Fame
Traditionally captured as singular moments of time, the availability of moving image technology to all has animated our memories onto the screen. Witness to our collective documentary, we imbue these moments of factual account with the aesthetic fictions of digital possibilities, tailored only by the palette of our computer interface.In the rhythm of the classic ‘Golden Book’ story, this account of Yowie sightings and interaction, offers the accountability of documentary evidence within the emotive drama of a children’s story.
The marriage of fact and fiction in a global story of a creature, who both represents the human being in physical evolution and fantasy, in a narrative of one who has remained romantically separated from society itself.
Both Robinson Crusoe and the Hunch Back of Notre Dame, the Yowie has been scientifically researched for decades. The hermit, the hobo, the swag-man; these identities represent the model of the introvert who exists outside the directions of society. One that exists in the present, without Ikea, I Pod or I need that shiny object. They live within simplicity: the Yowie in the bush, the Hermit in a cave, the Hobo on the streets, and the Swag-man on the road with Jack. Freedom.
In a continuation of the Phenomena research, this project explores the Yowie as myth and, scientific subject. It is the absence of this creature that strengthens the reality of it’s presence. As referenced in the Alien Presence series, Absence is again, presence.